Help yourself...
And your worship team...
And your church...
Hidden Treasure Alert!
You don't even know what you have.
God made you with incredible forethought. He gave you gifts and a design which fit into his creation like a diamond in a gold ring. He even tells us what they are in the Bible.
But most Christians have no clue.
This booklet shows you:
-The seven incredible designs God gives to people.
-How your design affects your actions, motivations, and relationships.
-The upsides and pitfalls of your design.
-The lie satan wants you to believe about your design.
Click on the cover to download the PDF.
All together. Now.
This is the one guide every worship team needs.
Do you want your team to sound their best? They need to use the same language. In this booklet you'll learn:
-The role of each instrument in the band.
-How to do your job and stay out of each other's way.
- The easy-but-overlooked way to make space. (most teams get this wrong)
- Why just adding more instruments doesn't always give you a fuller sound.
Click on the cover to download the PDF.
Ah, that sounds better.
It's not about the gear!
It's about the skill of the operator. In this booklet I give you some easy solutions for the most common problems in church live sound. You'll learn:
-Where the problem frequencies are, and how to tame them.
-How to work your way through a mix.
-How to use effects to enhance your worship team.
-How to be a sound guy your band will love.
Click on the cover to download the PDF.
Steal some good ideas.
Most people hear music without really listening. But that's where the gold is. In this booklet I show you:
-How subtle changes can make a huge difference in your song.
-How great artists use arrangements to grab and hold your attention.
-How to get out of "garage band" mode where everyone plays all the time. Instead, take turns.
-How to listen and think like a producer.
Click on the cover to download the PDF.
Watch and learn.
This online workshop pairs with "How to Build a Better Band".
This free workshop teaches you:
-what each element of a worship team does.
-how to stay out of each other's way.
-What a good band sounds like, and real world examples of how it can go wrong.
Click on the picture to play the video.
Say what you must.
Try my course for free!
"Deeper Worship Lyrics" teaches you how to:
-write with power, and compel your audience to listen.
-know which words sharpen your songs, and which ones dull your meaning.
-stay away from cliches, and revise your work until you find where the gold is.
Click on the cover to play the video.
You've got the axe.
Now work on your chops.
Try out my course for free. In my online lesson series you'll learn:
-The secrets of playing in the pocket with your worship team.
- Not just where to play, but when to play. (a lot of guitarists miss this).
- How to actually play the electric guitar, not the acoustic guitar on electric.
Click the picture to play your first lesson.